
If there is something that I struggle to deal with; with a heavy heart, it's grief. You see, It's not like I don't cry, I do. Over a pair of jeans for the way that it would fit, a cup of Chai which after many attempts, would sincerely be tasteful; I will also cry over a sunset, over the lyric of a song which might simply make my heart happy. But when there’s a slight ache in my heart or some grief, I find myself quiet. No emotions, no feelings, no sulking whatsoever. Quiet. As if, there are tears that want to roll down but nobody to roll up to. As if, there’s someone with a cupboard running inside but somehow is unable to come out of it. As if, there’s this indescribable pain/ anger that makes me so anxious, that to an extent I rush to find solace but I am not able to find it. You know I feel like I am not made for this and as I looked around, I wasn't the only one. Till today, I find discomfort in the way that I feel for certain someone’s/ things that bro...