
 Ah! I have never done this here before. 

The year is 2023. The date is January 2. The time as of the moment that I type this 12:23 PM.

My name is Sayali, by the way. Sayali Karkare. I am a 24 year old trying to fit into a space which has been my only way to grow. Writing.

I am not here to talk about people, communities, religions, politics, education...No! 

I am here to talk about myself. I am here to talk about my life, my mental, physical, emotional life. I am here to talk about the experiences and learnings I have gotten over the years, here to talk about all the possible failures I have faced and am still facing. I am also here, to talk about friendships and love. A lot of love.

You see, for a twenty-four year old, I may be too young to speak of all this but what if I tell you that the experiences that I have gone through are also experiences you might have had too? What if I tell you that situations which you might have faced are also the ones I have faced, only through a different story!

How about making this page a better place to confide in.

Overall, I am just here to lend you a hug. A virtual hug. 

To remind you that it's okay and that I'll let you see the light in this darkness.💫

Love and Light,



  1. Great writing for a young mind, will wait to read further

  2. All the best. Looking forward to this. May u keep growing

  3. Lovely. Bless you.

  4. So proud of you! Can't wait to read more from you.

  5. Nicely written as a 24 year old. Keep it up!

  6. Great Start... Happy writing looking forward for more such great content ❤️

  7. virtual hug to you too 🤍⭐️


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