

You know how everyone has a plan when they grow up? Someone dreams of being an architect, a movie star, a chartered accountant, a banker, a teacher, etc. 
I did not have one, I had many!

If you must know me, you should know that I love kids. I love to play with them, feed them, entertain them, put them to sleep (if needed), etc. It sounds childish but there was a point in my life where I had discovered that I'd want to be a teacher. A kindergarten teacher, to be precise. Though I never pursued it, it was a back-up plan for sure. It might still be one.
So, a teacher. WOW!

As a kid, Baba would take us for trips. We've been to Kashmir, Darjeeling, Sikkim, Manali, Kolkata, Rajasthan, etc. Even though I remember small bits of it, I'd feel happy to be there. I would be happy to roam around, understand those places and the best part of it? Sunsets. I can bet you on this. Watching a sun set in a newer city brings you abundant peace. That's what it brought me.
If you were to guess by now, Travelling was next. Most of my friends do not really believe me when I say this but it genuinely was something that I looked forward for, next. 

As I looked forward to it, I decided to pursue it. After my graduation, I opted for PG Diploma in Travel and Tourism Hospitality. I thoroughly enjoyed that 1 year I spent reading, learning and most importantly, falling in love with the countries, virtually. Through this course, I travelled a little and focused onto what I wanted next when I'd start working. In 2020!.

By the time I started a job in this company in 2020, Covid happened. And just like the first wave and possibly the next two, travel went out of the picture.
You might think, "Why? If you loved it and you looked forward to pursuing it, why?" 
 I was 22. Unfortunately because of Covid, my job was on hold and for the next whole year, travelling was off, not just for me but for the whole world.
The pressure was very high. Not from Aai Baba but my own.
The urge to earn and lend a hand in the house was also very high. To an extent where it would ick, ick my thought, ick my heart.

You see, for a twenty two year old back then, people around you are doing something, they have their jobs figured out, their lives figured out and then you pan the camera on you; you're nowhere. 

Even today, I am TWENTY FOUR. Even though I am not earning and I do not have my life figured out, I am happy. I am studying as of now. I am pursuing a degree that interests me. I am back to writing. I've been reading, quite a lot. I am simultaneously spending time with my family and am growing closer to them too. So, I WIN.

I would not lie but there are days when I feel that pressure building up but as I look around, I am reminded that I am okay.
I am okay with understanding that money will come when it has to.
I am okay with understanding that success will come too; I do not have to rush for it. 
I am also okay with understanding that I can start earning when I am twenty six and I will still, be okay.

I know that this graph has gone up and down, and so has this blog. 
I am sorry for not aligning it a proper way and not framing sentences well too, but that's okay.
I'm new to this and with time, I'll get better.

If you have come this far reading it, I am thankful💫

Love and Light,


  1. Love this. Wish you great success in future.

  2. A lil correction here! You’ve earned something that very few could. An aura of calm. It can be sensed around you and can also be felt in your writings.
    Wish you a great year ahead SK! 🌟

  3. Wish I knew you as a person. Wishing for your growth.

  4. Dude! You’re an amazing writer.

  5. Nice blog. My opinion abt you is stay as u are and do things what your heart tells you. Luv you SK ❤️


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