Sweet Learnings🤍

 Few “somethings” I’ve unknowingly adapted/learnt from Baba  : 

1. He’s the only empathetic person that I know. When I say, “the only” I mean it. Moments where one would expect a reaction built around anger, this man simply tends to replace it with calm; responding with an alternate of letting the situation go, building it with solutions. 

2. He’s built our home. They say that the people who live in a house, a home (I AGREE) but here all the credit goes to Baba. He’s built it with immense efforts ensuring all our needs (Aai’s, my sister’s and mine) are brought together even if it meant he’s had to extend the expenditures. Without a single “NO”. 

3. Along with being an empath, the power of selflessness is also something he possesses heavily. As much as I like to believe that I would want to inculcate it within me, I doubt if I will ever match his. 

4. He’s one mad mad hard working man. He’s retired for about two years now but it just seems like he’s loved working so much..work seems to just find its way back to him!!

Every morning that I get to see him and see his smiling face the moment he brings me Tea, my heart fills with joy. Every day that he gets ready for work and heads out, my heart is anxious until he comes home. Every day that he comes home exhausted but still wants to spend some time letting us know about his day brings my heart relief. Every day that he grows a day older, makes my heart burn a little but above all of it, having him around is a blessing. 

Even in the slightest of moments I grow up to become like him..I’d know I’ve done something right. 

Happy Father’s Day to all the Baba’s in the world. 

To yours, to mine🤍


  1. 🥹🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🫶🫶🫶masta


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