
They say that when someone leaves, you realize a lot; but what you won’t realize is what you’ve lost. Her.

And she; she’s one gorgeous woman.

She will only talk up for you.

She’s left, Yes; but she will have your back. She will cherish your memories even when you’re not in the making anymore. She will disregard all that went wrong, and will only regard you with love.

She has a lot of love in her heart. She really does.

She is a mix of calm and chaos; hyped and wrecked; happy and depressed; but what she isn't about, is hate; like there’s no room for it. 

You will find her be disturbed over a certain feeling people made her feel and sometimes, over sunsets too; but never about the way they made her smile, the love that she felt when she was around them.

She will be the only person you’d want to run to, when you’re in your good’s; and will be the only thought you’d strike upon, when you’re really, really bad.

She will come to you like a cold wave leaving you feeling internally heavy but she will also come to you like the light you’ve always seeked.

She will be your friend, your shadow, your confidant, your sister, your family; call it anything, she will be it for you through your thicks and thins, your higher highs and your darker nights as long as you regard her with the love and the respect she’s deserved, as long as you let her. 

This is She. She is me.

- S K 


  1. Your words resonate with such kindness and warmth. I can see that you're a truly caring person. If it's not too much to ask I need a small favor from you can you please lend me guidance an support?


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